Issue: Scheduled Notes and Dashboards Cannot Connect to the Database on Amazon AWS
An error occurs when trying to connect to the database on Amazon AWS, preventing scheduled notes, dashboards, and other insights from accessing the data.
The error message logs the following error code 110:
Error: Error : Failed to connect: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (110)
Cause: Connection Timeout
Error code 110 indicates a connection timeout, meaning the database server is unreachable.
Follow these steps to identify the cause and resolve the issue:
1. Check the DB Instance Status
Go to the AWS Management Console → RDS Dashboard and confirm that the target RDS instance is in “available” status. If the instance is in any other state, it will not accept connections.
2. Verify Network Access
Public Access Settings
Check whether the RDS instance is publicly accessible. If public access is disabled, you must connect from within the same VPC or use VPN/SSH tunneling.
Security Group Configuration
Ensure that the security group associated with the RDS instance allows inbound access on port 3306 from your client’s IP address.
If necessary, update the inbound rules of the security group to allow connections from the specific IP address or IP range.
Network ACL Verification
Check the Network ACL (Access Control List) associated with the VPC to confirm that it allows both inbound and outbound traffic on port 3306.
Additionally, please refer IP addresses belong to Exploratory’s servers in the below note and make sure they are allowed access to your database:
Reference:Trouble Shooting Guide for Scheduling Data Analysis at