How to plot H3 (Uber’s Hexagonal Hierarchical Spatial Index) data on a map using Note

You can plot your H3 (Uber’s Hexagonal Hierarchical Spatial Index) data on Exploratory desktop using a Note. Here is how.

  1. Open the “Manage R Packages” dialog.

  1. Install ‘h3jsr’ R package.

  1. Install ‘leaflet’ R package in the same way.

  2. Create a new Note and cut and paste the following example code. The sample data is originally from the h3jsr page.

```{r warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, echo=FALSE, cache=TRUE, dpi=300 }

# Convert H3 data to polygon
brisbane_hex_10 <- cell_to_polygon(input = "8abe8d12acaffff")
leaflet(data = brisbane_hex_10, width="600px", height="600px") %>%
    weight = 2,
    color = "blue"

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