How to Perform a Silent Installation of Exploratory Desktop on Windows Using Only the Command Line


To install Exploratory Desktop on a Windows environment using only the command line, skipping the interactive installer and performing a silent installation.


Follow these steps to install Exploratory Desktop using only the command line:

  1. Download the Exploratory installer from the following URL:
    Exploratory Download Page

  2. Download the installers for R and Git.

  3. Open the Command Prompt, navigate to the folder where the installers were downloaded, and execute the following commands: (Version string in the filename may vary. Please use the filename that you downloaded.)

   R-4.4.3-win.exe /SILENT
   Git-2.33.0-64-bit.exe /SILENT
   Exploratory-64bit-11.5.1.exe /S
  1. Once the necessary software has been installed, launch the Exploratory application from the shortcut created in the Start Menu and verify that it runs correctly.