If you got this error message of “Error 127” when trying to open the projects, most likely that means it failed to load some R packages.
Please contact at support@exploratory.io quickly, we can help you.
If you want to try addressing by yourself, here’s what you can do.
Open the log file. This is located under <your_home_directory>/.exploratory/log
Find ‘Error 127’ message. And just above, find the R package name. It looks something like this.
[Thu May 04 2017 20:31:28 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)] INFO { '0': '6 ms elapsed for: library(dplyr)' }
[Thu May 04 2017 20:31:28 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)] INFO { '0': 'R< library(exploratory)' }
[Thu May 04 2017 20:31:28 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)] ERROR { '0': 'R> null' }
[Thu May 04 2017 20:31:28 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)] ERROR { '0': 'R error: Error: error code 127\n at Socket.T.e.handler (chrome-extension://hkjiiokkigicipgnnhbolhlkjfpeihkh/bundle.js:284:818)\n at Socket.<anonymous> (chrome-extension://hkjiiokkigicipgnnhbolhlkjfpeihkh/bundle.js:284:1384)' }
[Thu May 04 2017 20:31:28 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)] ERROR { '0':
{ Error: error code 127
at Socket.T.e.handler (chrome-extension://hkjiiokkigicipgnnhbolhlkjfpeihkh/bundle.js:284:818)
at Socket.<anonymous> (chrome-extension://hkjiiokkigicipgnnhbolhlkjfpeihkh/bundle.js:284:1384)
From previous event:
at a.m [as _captureStackTrace] (chrome-extension://hkjiiokkigicipgnnhbolhlkjfpeihkh/bundle.js:41:10101)
at a._then (chrome-extension://hkjiiokkigicipgnnhbolhlkjfpeihkh/bundle.js:40:15673)
at a.then (chrome-extension://hkjiiokkigicipgnnhbolhlkjfpeihkh/bundle.js:40:14021)
at Object.handleViewProjectFlow (chrome-extension://hkjiiokkigicipgnnhbolhlkjfpeihkh/bundle.js:319:2616)
The above case shows that ‘exploratory’ package is the one had an issue.
\3. Try to load the package in RStudio or R Console.
.libPaths(“C:/Users/<your home directory name>/.exploratory/R/3.4”)
Make sure you run ‘.libPaths’ command first.
If you see an error about a particular R package installatino, then try to install the package with ‘install’ command. Then, try to run the above command again. If it’s successful, then try to open the project again.