Exploratory IO Linux Ubuntu 16 Wine Support

apt-get install winbind seems to be needed.

Now, running exploratory.exe with wine seems to stall in this fatal error:

fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can’t find symbol in module

We are planning to support Linux version as well, but we haven’t been able to allocate our time for it given other priorities right now. Just wanted to ask though, if we give you a basic version of Linux would you be able to help us by testing it out?

Hello, Kanaugust,

Thank you for your answer and for the proposal.
Yes: if you send me the Linux version I’ll be glad to generate install and configuration steps for Ubuntu; debug messages and even posting it in your bug tracker system, if desired.



Just wanted to let you know that we are making a progress right now, so stay tuned!

Hello, Kan,

I almost reply to this topic today, but I don’t want to look like I’m rushing you! Just take your time.
I’m no developer but I have lots of experience building application from source (mostly C/C++). If you need some help in this matter, I would be glad to sign a NDA in order to try.


Heitor Faria

Thanks Heitor for your patience and offering your help!

Hi Heitor,
Thank you for offering to test out the Linux version.
Now, we have first cut of our still-unofficial Linux version of Exploratory Desktop.
Here is instruction on installation.

  1. Install R on your Ubuntu 16.04. Please follow this instruction.

  2. Install following required software/libraries.
    git, libssl-dev, libpq-dev, libxml2-dev, libcurl4-openssl-dev, libsodium-dev, libmariadb-client-lgpl-dev, libsasl2-dev
    I prepared a shell script to install them.

  3. Create a directory .exploratory/R/3.3 under your home directory
    cd mkdir .exploratory mkdir .exploratory/R mkdir .exploratory/R/3.3

  4. Install required R packages for Exploratory after specifying the above directory as lib path.
    I prepared an R script to specify lib path and install them. (Please replace the home directory name with yours.)

  5. Download this Ubuntu version of Exploratory, unzip, and run.
    unzip Exploratory_1.9.0.1_LINUX.zip

  6. Login form will open up. Type in your exploratory.io username/password.

  7. You will see Project List screen of Exploratory, where you can create new project at this point.

Known issues we are still working on are as follows. We will keep you updated as we resolve those issues.

  • OAuth for data source access is not working.
  • Functions that use sentimentr like exploratory::get_sentiment() is not working.

Let us know if you encounter any issue.
Thank you!
-Hideaki (Exploratory team)

Hello, Hideaki,

Thanks very much for this great work. I just started to deploy the software!

Btw: I think you can replace steps 2-5, for this script:

===============================8< Cut here 8< ===========================
# Exploratory 1.9 Linux Ubuntu 16.04 Unsupported Install Script. Run with ordinary user!

sudo echo “deb http://cran.rstudio.com/bin/linux/ubuntu xenial/” | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-key E084DAB9
gpg -a --export E084DAB9 | sudo apt-key add -

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install r-base r-base-dev git libssl-dev libpq-dev libxml2-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libsodium-dev libmariadb-client-lgpl-dev libsasl2-dev
mkdir ~/.exploratory
mkdir ~/.exploratory/R
mkdir ~/.exploratory/R/3.3
cd ~/.exploratory/
chmod o+rx ./install.R
# This line bellow would be better to change in the install.R script (satisfies need for R repo specification):
sed -i ‘s/dependencies=TRUE/dependencies=TRUE, repos=“http://cran.rstudio.com/”/g’ ./install.R
sed -i s/your_os_username/$USER/g ./install.R
Rscript ./install.R
wget -T 3 http://download2.exploratory.io/linux/Exploratory_1.9.0.1_LINUX.zip
unzip Exploratory_1.9.0.1_LINUX.zip
echo “Exploratory.io Install is done. Type Exploratory from the Terminal to start the app.”
===============================8< Cut here 8< ===========================



Just in time, a pretty screenshot.

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Hello, Hideaki,

Just in time 2:

These 3 lines from install.R file misses the depencieS S letter:

install.packages(“rgeolocate”, dependencies=TRUE, repos=“http://cran.rstudio.com/”)
install.packages(“countrycode”, dependencies=TRUE, repos=“http://cran.rstudio.com/”)
install.packages(“tidytext”, dependencies=TRUE, repos=“http://cran.rstudio.com/”)



Hi Heitor,
Thank you for the update and your script! I will update the script with your additions/corrections.
Happy to see that you were able to start Exploratory Desktop pretty quickly!

Thanks to Heitor, now the installation is as simple as this.

  1. Download install script from http://download2.exploratory.io/linux/install.sh

  2. Run the install script.
    source install.sh
    It installs r-base r-base-dev git libssl-dev libpq-dev libxml2-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libsodium-dev libmariadb-client-lgpl-dev libsasl2-dev, and required R packages, and Exploratory itself.

  3. Start installed Exploratory Desktop

  4. Login form will open up. Type in your exploratory.io username/password.

  5. You will see Project List screen of Exploratory, where you can create new project at this point.

Another Exploratory IO Linux Ubuntu 16.04 LTS screen shot / image.

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Thanks for the screenshot! Glad to see it’s working on Linux!

This is great to see. I was considering switching back to Linux as my main machine and Exploratory was one of my concerns.

Thank you for the tips. I’m also a Linux user, and am interested in installing Exploratory on Ubuntu 16.04. Thanks!

We just upgraded this Linux version of Exploratory to the latest!
Here is Installation/Upgrade instruction. Enjoy your data exploration!

  1. If you have existing installation at ~/Exploratory, remove it. (This is only executables of Exploratory. Your repository where your data/visualizations/analysis steps are stored at ~/.exploratory. Please do not remove that one.)
    rm -rf ~/Exploratory

  2. Download install script from https://download2.exploratory.io/linux/install.sh

  3. Run the install script.
    source install.sh
    It installs r-base r-base-dev git libssl-dev libpq-dev libxml2-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libsodium-dev libmariadb-client-lgpl-dev libsasl2-dev, and required R packages, and Exploratory itself.

  4. Start installed Exploratory Desktop

  5. Login form will open up. Type in your exploratory.io username/password.

  6. You will see Project List screen of Exploratory, where you can create new project at this point.

One limitation is support for data sources that require OAuth, like twitter etc.
Those data sources will not appear on the data source list of this linux version.

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Does Installing into Ubuntu 18.0.4 LTS need Git and R installing manually?
Launching was successful, but setting-up was failed.

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Would it be possible to get an updated build for Linux? I tried this script on Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 and got pretty far… the app does start but it’s unable to launch a new project. It seems as though the installation of R packages is failing at least, but it looks like probably API changes are preventing it from succeeding as well?

I too have been doing more and more of my work on Linux lately, and I would love to be able to use Exploratory there as it has become my defacto favorite analysis tool :slight_smile: